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Stilou Caran D'Ache Tribal African Masks LE Sterling Silver 18k Nib M

An Lansare 0 / Pret: 12.500,00

Caran d'Ache Elvetia
Imagine Produs Stilou Caran D'Ache Tribal African Masks LE Sterling Silver 18k Nib M
Stilou Caran D'Ache Tribal African Masks LE Sterling Silver 18k Nib M


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58 / 128

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Descriere Brand Caran d'Ache

Descriere Stilou Caran D'Ache Tribal African Masks LE Sterling Silver 18k Nib M

Caran d'Ache Tribal African Masks Fountain Pen Limited Edition

The enigmatic, spectacular African Tribal Masks Limited Edition of 128 fountain pens are an outstanding celebration of the age-old rituals and ancestral craft techniques of Africa. They are part of the Caran d'Ache Artiste Collection, and have been entirely designed by the renowned Swiss jeweler, Edouard Jud.

128 fountain pens

Sculpted in 800 solid silver body and attributes with gilded decorations
Rhodium-plated, 18 carat gold nib
Tiger's eye stone from South Africa

The owners of this Limited Edition will be bewitched by the secrets of the masks and charmed both by the myth and the fine metalwork of these objects. Both mysterious and spectacular, these exceptional pens have been created as a tribute to art and to the secrets of fascinating ancient techniques.

Similarly secret manufacturing techniques and expertise underline the beauty of each writing instrument. With the company's respect for the values of the Swiss Made label, the precision and delicacy of Caran d'Ache craftsmen have enabled them to create these limited editions, containing 128 fountain pens and 64 roller pens, which magnificently illustrate the expertise of a Maison de Haute Ecriture.

These sumptuous pieces, decorated with precious materials and entirely built by hand, are made in 800 solid silver with a special sombre finish.


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