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Stilou Caran D'Ache Balaji LE Sterling Silver Silver Trim 18K Nib M

An Lansare 0 / Pret: 8.600,00

Caran d'Ache Elvetia
Imagine Produs Stilou Caran D'Ache Balaji LE Sterling Silver Silver Trim 18K Nib M
Stilou Caran D'Ache Balaji LE Sterling Silver Silver Trim 18K Nib M


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57 / 108

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Descriere Brand Caran d'Ache

Descriere Stilou Caran D'Ache Balaji LE Sterling Silver Silver Trim 18K Nib M

Caran d'Ache Balaji Silver Fountain Pen Limited Edition

Body in a black matte lacquer
18 carat gold and rhodium nib
Limited Edition of 108
Silver Edition
Sculpted in Rhodium-coated 800 solid silver cage and attributes
Crowned with an 8.8 mm orange-pink cornelian

With a unique blend of finesse and precision, the Balaji Limited Edition carries the image of the God not only on the external cages but also delicately sculpted on the clip. Under its cage, the precious writing instrument is covered with a deep black mat lacquer as a reference to the Balaji's dark color. His face is covered with a Tilak to protect the universe from the intensity of his eyes, a reminder of the strength of his divine power. The meticulous carving also reveals an open hand inviting the faithful to seek his protection. The Shanka, a sacred sea shell associated with Vishnu the Protector and a ritual object for calling on the Gods, is at his side, richly decorated and bearing a magnificent tiara.

The monogram of the brand is visible through a transparent orange-pink cornelian, a variety of chalcedony.  Specially chosen for its Indian origins, it is positioned on the tip of the cap in the silver model while the gold version of the writing instrument is crowned by a citrine.

Manufactured according to "Swiss Made" standards that ensure its longevity, each piece carries a lifetime international guarantee.

Technical description
The Balaji Limited Edition Silver Fountain Pen is part of the "Divinities" theme in the Caran d'Ache Artiste Collection. It completes the series dedicated to Buddha, Ganesh and Shiva, produced in collaboration with Edouard Jud.
Celebrating one of India's most venerated figures, the Balaji Limited Edition comprises 108 fountain pens and 108 roller pens in 800 solid silver, and 10 fountain pens and 10 roller pens in solid gold.
The refined design of the writing instruments reflects the exceptional homage paid to the gods in the rites and spirituality of India. The gently rounded figure of Balaji with the symbols of his power is enhanced by a mat lacquer of intense black.
The cap is set with a gemstone through which the CdA monogram can be seen. In the silver version, it is an 8.8 mm cornelian, while the gold version is crowned by a citrine. The Caran d'Ache logo appears on the ring together with the individual number and the stamp guaranteeing the origin and certification of the piece.
The fountain pen can be used with an ink pump or with Caran d'Ache ink cartridges. The 18 carat rhodium-coated nib is available, on request, in three widths (M, F, B).


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